Hybrid microelectronics is a packaging and interconnection technology for combining two or more semiconductor devices on a common interconnect substrate, typically to create a specific electrical
- base substrate: Al2o3
- conductor: Au, ag, pdag, cu
- dielectrics: Glass-ceramics, glasses
- resistor: Ruo2 dopped glasses spec - according to customer spec
Excellent reliability and electrical features. High density, reliability can be applied to a variety of assembly technology such as bga, mcm, Co., Co., Co., cos. High power, voltage high frequency
range easy modulation.
-automobile(voltageregulator, blower controller etc)
- smps(ac-dcdc-ac converter, high current rectifier etc)
- telecommunication
- sensors(pressuresensor, humidity sensor)
- controller(boilercontroller, motor speed controller etc)
Hybrid microelectronics is a packaging and interconnection technology for combining two or more semi