High Frequency Track Circuits (HFTC) provide information on railway track occupancy by rolling stock. The HBLRAIL HFTC is a short length track circuit that can be used on jointless rail systems, where conventional track circuits cannot be used. The HBLRAIL HFTC based on RDSO specifications, is suitable for use in AC or DC electrified areas where high levels of electromagnetic interference are encountered. The system is also designed to handle interference from traction return currents in electrified sections.The HBL HFTC equipment is very compact and is maintenance free. The equipment can be supplied in 2 basic modes: Centre-fed and End-fed, depending on the application. A combination of low equipment price, lower installation and maintenance costs; make the HBL HFTC, the most cost effective solution to track monitoring, with the least cost of ownership to the user.
High Frequency Track Circuits (HFTC) provide information on railway track occupancy by rolling stock. |