Food and grain
Baking industry
Plastic and rubber regrind
Wood grinding
Semi-finished and finished products
For more information
Typical applications includes:
Flat Sensors are used on conveyor belts and chutesto detect metallic impurities in the material beinghandled. These sensors are available in differentsizes which can be put together to create therequired width of detection. Special amplifiers arerequired to evaluate the signal from flat sensors.These sensors can be installed above and belowthe material being handled. Higher sensitivity canbe achieved in this manner.
Stamping operations
Punching operations
Counting operations
Detection of broken wires or cables
Detection of metal in plastic regrind
Detection of metals in rubber regrind
Detection of metal in wood grinding
Food and animal feed
Pharmaceutical products
Granulated polymer materials
Detection of metal needles in knitting industry
Detection of metal in commercial bakeries
Semi-finished and finished products
Typical Industries include:
Mini and Normal Sensitivity Ring Sensors are usedto detect stamped or punched metal parts, or largersize unwanted metal parts. Altech offers a widerange of these rings from 12 mm to 300 mm indiameter. High sensitivity rings are also used for thesame applications, except they can detect muchsmaller metal parts. Altechs Ultra High SensitivityRing Sensors are used primarily for the detection ofvery small particles in bulk materials.
Altech metal detection systems have no movingparts, are extremely reliable, and require nomaintenance. They typically interface withProgrammable Logic Controllers (PLC), processand personnel computers with appropriatehardware and software. They can control relays,solenoids, valves, etc., up to their maximum outputcurrent.
Both ring and flat sensors are solid-state devicesthat generate an output signal when metal objectsare either inside or entering into the sensing areafrom any direction. No physical contact is requiredor desired. These sensors work best with ferrousmetals but will also operate with non-ferrous metalsat reduced sensitivity. The sensitivity of our metaldetection systems is specified in terms of a steelball minimum diameter for detection.
Altech metal separation systems are InductiveProximity Ring and Flat Sensors, that are used todetect punched or stamped parts, and unwantedmetals. They are used in a wide range of industriesthat require metal parts to be detected, counted,and in many cases to be separated from bulkmaterials like food and grain. This product offeringrepresents one of the largest selections in theindustry.
Altech metal separation systems are InductiveProximity Ring and Flat Sensors, that are used todetect punched or |