Passive system:
The most of the GC's available on the market have a slight overpressure. This overpressure is used to assure
the gas flow trough the sensor head.
Active system:
If no overpressure is available in the GC the active system is available. A small fan is installed in the sensor head
To assure the gas flow trough the sensor head.
The H2-Sensor will continuously monitor the atmosphere in the GC-oven. If the present threshold level is exceeded, an audible alarm is alerted and the alarm starts blinking. The oven is
immediately shut off and the cooling flap opens. In addition the system can switch to nitrogen if a gas switching valve is provided.
This will also happens in a event of power failure.
In case of malfunction of the unit, the operator will be alerted by an external alarm (optional)
Take no chances Install an H2-Sensor in your gas chromatograph!
The only drawback is the danger of explosion in case of a leak in the column oven.
Beside this hydrogen costs about 75% less then helium of comparable quality.
If you want to take full advantage of the power of High Resolution Gas chromatography for your analytical results, then hydrogen will be in most cases the carrier gas of choice. Its low viscosity and excellent mass transfer capabilities results in shorter run times and better separation performances.
Get all the benefits of hydrogen as carrier gas....
Take no chances
Its low viscosity and excellent mass transfer capabilities results in shorter run times and better separation performances. |