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The transducer is highly resistant to mechanical damage; its body is machined from aluminum and mounts to a standard ring stand or, with the handle removed, clamp mounts. The
cable that connects the FT-302 to the recording amplifier is detachable, allowing for multiple cables to be configured for the users choice of amplifiers. The FT-302 requires a
transducer conditioning amplifier such as the or . The FT-302 also directly connects to the iWorx 214 or Recorders without amplication.
The FT-302 is a high sensitivity dual-range research grade force transducer designed to measure forces in the 0.005 to 10 gram and 0 to 100 gram ranges. The FT-302 exhibits
excellent isometric properties. In addition, its unique optical technology makes it resistant to drift and offers intrinsically low noise characteristics. The FT-302s on-board
amplifiers reduce gain and adjustment requirements on recording amplifiers to which it may be connected.