Standard Series(SS)
There are two types in Angle Beam Transducer:
longitudinal wave transducer and shear wave transducer of these, shear wave transducer is used in more cases. Shear wave transducer is the main products of TKS Corp. and longitudinal wave
transducer is being in production upon purchase order.
Standard Series are for normal testing without heavy attenuation. The irregularities in their aurface of the cases prevent slipperiness and they are sedigned with the power set downward of the
sensor to facilitate the contect with testing subjects. Main testing subjects are welding part of container-kind(e. g. boiler's vessel) as well as a normal welding part, the crack of axis of
rotation, or parts with much stress pressured on in machinery-kind.
Lemo Connector is equipped to bring upward the ratio of S/N in linking with ultrasonic instrument.