These accelerometers are intended for critical machinery applications where casing acceleration measurements are required, such as gear mesh monitoring.
It provides an amplitude range of 5 g peak and a sensitivity of 300 mV/g If housing measurements are being made for overall protection of the machine, thought should be given to the usefulness of
the measurement for each application. Most common machine malfunctions (imbalance, misalignment, etc.) originate at the rotor and cause an increase (or at least a change) in rotor vibration. In
order for any housing measurement alone to be effective for overall machine protection, a significant amount of rotor vibration must be faithfully transmitted to the bearing housing or machine
casing, or more specifically, to the mounting location of the transducer.
In addition, care should be exercised in the physical installation of the transducer. Improper installation can result in a degradation of the transducers performance, and/or the generation of
signals which do not represent actual machine vibration. Integration of the output to velocity can worsen this. Extreme caution should be exercised if integrating to velocity. For high quality
velocity measurements the ABP Sensor should be used.
Complete 3-axis accelerometer with signal conditioned voltage outputs
Sensitivity, 300 mV/g to optimize use in most applications
Frequency Range from 0.5 Hz to 2500 Hz ,
Complete 3-axis accelerometer with signal conditioned voltage outputs |
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Come From Rust Bullet
WHAT IS CONSTANT ACCELERATION TEST? Centrifugal constant acceleration test is performed to evaluate when components, equipment, and other electrical and electronic products are subjected to a steady acceleration environment (except gravity) such as occurs in moving vehicles, ...
Come From CME Technology Co., Ltd.
In the laboratory, some samples need to be stored at low temperatures, and liquid nitrogen storage tanks are usually used. Its normal operation requires a certain amount of liquid nitrogen in the container to ensure the safety of the samples. However, liquid nitrogen is easily ...