'DT' Current Transducers from NK Technologies combine a Hall effect sensor and signal conditioner into a single package. The DT Series has jumper selectable current input ranges and industry standard 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-3VDC, 0-5VDC or 0-10VDC outputs. Available in a split core package.
'AT/ATR 3 & 4' transducers from NK Technologies combine a high capacity current transformer and a signal conditioner into a single package. The AT version is Average Responding for use on linear (sinusoidal) loads. The ATR version is True RMS for use on distorted waveforms found in VFD or SCR outputs. Available in a solid or split core case.
AT Current Transducers from NK Technologies combine a current transformer and signal conditioner into a single package. The AT Series has jumper selected current input ranges and industry standard 420mA, 05VDC or 0-10VDC outputs. The AT Series is designed for application on linear or sinusoidal AC loads. Available in a split core case or two types of solid core cases.
Current Transducers ATR transducers from NK Technologies combine a current transformer and a True RMS signal conditioner into a single package. The ATR Series provides True RMS output on distorted waveforms found on VFD or SCR outputs and on linear loads in "noisy" power environments. Available in a solid or split core case.
Current Transducers from NK Technologies combine a current transformer |