- Split-Core or Solid Core
- Split Core: 25A, 50A, 100A, 200A, 400A, 800A, 1600A, 3200A Available
- Solid Core: 100A and 200A
- Come in sets of 3
- Current sensors can be installed up to 2000'
away from meter (500' for Class 3000 meters)
- Leads supplied are 3' in length and can be
extended up to 2000 feet using #14-22 AWG
wire (See local electrical codes for proper sizing)
- When paralleling current sensors, the meter reading must be multiplied by the number of
sets of current sensors in parallel
Split Core Current Sensors
25 to 200 Amp
400 Amp
800 to 1600 Amp
3200 Amp
Product Information
157 KB
32 KB