Measuring instruments in green houses or life stock barns are exposed to a very demanding environment: high humidity levels, pollutants like fertilizers, herbicides and high ammonia concentrations
are just a few of the many hazards.
The robust, functional housing of the EE82 with integrated special filter has been designed for such applications.
The air diffuses through the filter into the instrument enclosure. Then the air diffuses further through a second membrane filter integrated in the CO2 measuring cell.
The CO2 measurement is based on the non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) technology. The patented auto-calibration procedure compensates for aging of the infrared source and guarantees high reliability,
long term stability and eliminates the need of periodical recalibration in the field.
EE82 SeriesCO2 Transmitter for Industrial Applications
EE82 SeriesCO2 Transmitter for Industrial Applications |