Model No. : WM271 Description : Reliable information of wind movements is a critical requirement for air quality management. Polluting gases and particulates released from elevated industrial stacks disperse by a variety of mechanisms and by the time the pollutants reach ground level their concentration is reduced to a fraction of the emitted level. The extent of dispersion and the resultant ground level concentration (GLC) depends upon local meteorological parameters like wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric turbulence or stability and the mixing height. Reliable local wind data can also help to identify possible sources that could be adversely affecting air quality in an area. Envirotech Wind Monitoring Systems have been used for past several years all over the country by consultants, industry and researchers to generate micro-meteorological data. Feedback from this large body of users has often led to system upgrades. The WM271 is our latest model Wind Monitor with important new features specifically incorporated for Indian field use. Features : Remote Data Download via GSM Modems Built-in battery backed power-pack with optional Solar Panel charger enables operation in open fields without Mains Power. New Windows XP compatible software allows: Export of data to Excel Diurnal graphs Color Windrose Diagrams Graphs & Windroses can be saved as a picture for inclusion in reports & presentations. Key Specification : Wind Speed : Envirotech WS-10 range 0 to 100 Km/hr. Wind Direction : Envirotech WD10 range 0 to 360 degrees with 1 degree resolution Temperature & RH : Envirotech WT10 range 0 to 50 C with resolution of 0.1 C and 0 to 100% RH with 1% resolution. Solar Radiation : Li-Cor, USA Solar Radiation Sensor Barometric Pressure : Met One, USA Barometric Pressure Sensor Rainfall : Envirotech RF10 range 0 to 50 mm/hr with 0.5 mm resolution.