Later, in order to provide an ideal support to all our customers, this new product will become available worldwide through our network of distributors and agents.
Do not hesitate to access our "contact / sales & support network" web page for precise contacts or directly Colibrys in Europe or in US for more details.
Initially , this product will only be available directly from Colibrys to ensure a smooth introduction on the market.
RS9000 follows MIL-STD-810C for environmental test methods and MIL-STD-756 for reliability prediction.
IRISTM utilizes the latest improvements in the MEMS manufacturing technology like DRIE to optimize the device performance.
RS9000 is interfaced with an open loop electronic and is offered both on a PCB board for initial evaluation and in a LCC20 standard ceramic package. The small footprint of this sensor helps
system designers to realize extremely precise performance in minimum space.
RS9000 is a high stability accelerometer family based on a new MEMS element realized by the IRISTM technology. This new MEMS element is designed exclusively for high bias and scale factor stability, improved vibration performance and enhanced temperature behavior.
Harsh environment (shock, vibration, temperature)
Extreme small size (LCC20 "FFF" to a MS9000)
Very low temperature sensitivity
Excellent vibration rectification coefficient
- One year composite repeatability down to 1.5mg
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