The Pyroelectric and PD10 Series detectors combine high accuracy, damage threshold and repetition rate operation in a single head. These heads are the most sensitive, highest rep rate, longest pulse capability and most versatile in the industry. Pyroelectric SensorsHeads CatalogAccessoriesRelated Items Photo Name Features Aperture Spectral Range Power Range P/N PD10 Very low energies to nJ, silicon photodiode ?10mm 0.19-1.1?m 2nJ - 20?J 7Z02823 PD10-pJ Energies down to picoJoules ?10mm 0.2 -1.1?m 10pJ - 200nJ 7Z02824 PE9 Very low energies, high repetition rate, broad spectral range ?8mm 0.15-12?m 0.2?J - 1mJ 7Z02877 PE9 -F As above to 25KHz ?8mm 0.15-12?m 0.3?J - 1mJ 7Z02882 PE10 Low energies, pyroelectric ?12mm 0.15-12?m 2?J - 10mJ 7Z02862 PE10BB As above broadband absorber ?12mm 0.15-20?m 10?J - 10mJ 7Z02871 PE25 24mm aperture pyroelectric 24x24mm 0.15-3?m 15?J - 10J 7Z02861 PE25BB 24mm aperture pyroelectric 24x24mm 0.15- 20?m 100?J - 10J 7Z02865 PE50 46mm aperture pyroelectric ?46mm 0.15-3?m 25?J - 10J 7Z02860 PE50BB 46mm aperture pyroelectric ?46mm 0.15- 20?m 100?J - 10J 7Z02864 PE50-DIF High damage threshold and high repetition rate ?35mm 0.19 3?m 50?J - 10J 7Z02885 PE25BB-DIF 24mm pyro with removable diffuser 24x24mm?20mm with diffuser 0.15-20?m0.4-2.5?mwith diffuser 50?J - 20J 7Z02879 PE25-DIF 24mm pyro with removable diffuser higher rep rate ?20mm 0.4-2.5?m 150?J - 20J 7Z02880 PE50BB-DIF 46mm pyro with removable diffuser ?46mm?33mm with diffuser 0.19-20?m0.4-2.5?mwith diffuser 100?J - 40J 7Z02866 PE50-DIF-ER 46mm pyro with removable diffuser higher rep rate ?46mm?33mm with diffuser 0.19- 3?m0.4-3?mwith diffuser 60?J - 40J 7Z02867 PE100BB-DIF 96mm aperture pyroelectric ?96mm?85mm with diffuser 0.15- 20?m0.4-2.5?mwith diffuser 2mJ - 40J 7Z02883 PE50-HD Highest damage threshold for 193nm radiation ?46mm 193nm 0.5mJ - 10J 7Z02863 Graphs Spectral absorption and damage threshold graphs
The Pyroelectric and PD10 Series detectors combine high accuracy, |