A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge; High Output version of The FROG?, equipped with the coil of a GRASSHOPPER III and the frontpole and suspension of the GRASSHOPPER IV: the best cartridge available for its price. Output 2.25 mV/channel, matched crystal copper-wire coils and extra magnet modification.
A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge with the coil of a GRASSHOPPER III and the frontpole and suspension of the GRASSHOPPER IV: the best cartridge available for its price. Output 0.65 mV/channel, matched crystal gold-wire coils and extra magnet modification.
A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge with the coil of a GRASSHOPPER III and the frontpole and suspension of the GRASSHOPPER IV: the best cartridge available for its price. Output 0.65 mV/channel, matched crystal copper-wire coils and extra magnet modification.
A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge; High output version of the MC - ONE Special with 2.25 mV/channel and matched crystal copper-wire coils.
A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge; Medium output version of the MC - ONE Special with 1.25 mV/channel and matched crystal copper-wire coils.
A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge; Specially selected version of the MC - 10 Special with 0.65 mV/channel.
A Custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge; Special selected version of the DDT-II Special with VDH - type 1 tip, boron cantilever, matched crystal silver-wire coils and 0.65 mV/channel.
DDT stands for Depth, Detail and Timbre.
A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge with VDH-type 1 tip, boron cantilever, matched crystal silver-wire coils and 0.65 mV/channel.
The Classic Cartridge Range includes the following products:
Cartridges: Classic
Cartridges: Classic The Classic Cartridge Range includes the following products: The DDT-II Special |