MULTI-RANGE PROCESSPRESSURE TRANSDUCERModell 1171FEATURES::" 5 Through 100,000 PSI Ranges in PSISG, PSIA, Vacuum Options" 4-20 mA Loop Powered" 5:1 Ranging" Waterproof" Magnetic Coupling / Sealed" 316 SS" CE Approved" FM Explosion Proof & CSA Intrinsically Safe approvedAPPLIICATIIONS::" Off Shore Rigs and Pumping Platforms" Pipelines and Processing" Shipboard and Marine Applications" Plastics and Paper - All ProcessesThis rugged, harsh-environment transmitter is small in size and designedto solve your worst weather nightmare.Completely sealed, it can be submersed to 100 feet with submersible conduit.The all welded construction and 15-5 and 316 stainless steels usedin the pressure cavity make the 1171 watertight and strong against corrosion.The unit is designed without an O-ring and insures reliability.The external zero, span, and calibration controls are hermetically sealedand easily adjusted with the help of a magnetically-coupled drive system.This unit allows for 5:1 ranging of the transmitters standard pressurerange.Pressure ranges include 5 through 75,000 PSI and are available in sealedgauge, absolute and sealed vacuum.Featuring a calibration circuit that permits setup and ranging, there is noneed for calibrated pressure source.1171 is FM explosion proof, Intrinsically Safe, and CE Approved.