Mikron reserves the right to change specifications to reflect the latest changes in technology and improvements at any time without notice. These changes will be reflected in subsequent editions of our literature when warranted.
Mikron Infrared Inc. is the sole manufacturer and designer of this product.
This product is manufactured in the Mikron Infrared Inc. plant located at 16 Thornton Road, Oakland, New Jersey 07436.
Mikron Infrared Inc. retains exclusive rights to the internal design and trade dress of this instrument.
? 1969-2001 Mikron Instrument Company, Inc.
? 2002 Mikron Infrared Inc.
Warranty: The M190 Series has a warranty of one year against failure due to defective parts or workmanship.
Many years of experience in solving unusual and difficult infrared temperature measurement problems qualifies our sales and application engineering staffs to offer solutions to the most challenging applications encountered in industry and science.
Application Assistance
M190-R series also utilizes the 2-color principle, in which the temperature measurement is made by two independent detectors with different but adjacent narrow band infrared filters. By ratioing the output of these two detectors, the temperature measurement becomes independent of emissivity and a number of other factors that during the measurement degrade the accuracy of conventional instruments. Thus, temperature measurements made with the M190-R are: Why 2-color Infrared Thermometry? Two color Models are available for temperature ranges from 700 |
The M190 is designed for permanent monitoring or short term investigation in either industrial plant environments or laboratory |