Masimos LNOP and LNCS SofTouch line of sensors is designed to be used whenever skin sensitivity issues are a concern, such as with extremely low birth weight infants. Masimo SofTouch sensors incorporate soft foam and VelAid" hook and loop attachment wraps that come in a variety of confi gurations to address a wide range of clinical uses. Neonatal Pediatric Adult SofTouch Sensors LNOP? NeoPt-L LNOP? YI MultisiteLNCS? YI Multisite LNOP? YI Multisite LNCS? YI Multisite LNOP? Newborn LNOP? NeoPt LNOP? SofTouchNeoPt Bridge LNCS? NeoPt LNOP? YI MultisiteLNCS? YI Multisite
is designed to be used whenever skin sensitivity issues are a concern |