Serial Input Transmitter, 4-20 mA or 0-10V Output
Serial-to-Analog Converter Transmitter
(RS232 or RS485 input, analog output)
Pulse Input Transmitters, Modbus or Micron ASCII I/O
Dual Channel Frequency (for frequency, rate, or period)
Dual Channel Pulse Input Totalizer (Rate or total. Selectable square root extraction)
Arithmetic Functions (Rate or Total w/ 2 Input Channels A & B: A+B, A-B, AxB, A/B, A/B-1)
Duty Cycle (transmits ON or OFF period in percent of total period)
Stopwatch (timing for single events or accumulated events)
Time Interval (average time of periodic events)
Phase Angle (for angular phase offset in degrees of AC waveforms)
Quadrature (position or rate from quadrature encoder signals)
Click on the links below for transmitter descriptions and specifications by signal type. Each of the Micron transmitters listed also has a Micron digital panel meter counterpart with the same
signal conditioner.
Analog Input Transmitters, Modbus or Micron ASCII I/O:
DC voltage or current.
AC rms voltage or current.
Process signal (wide range of DC voltage or current signals)
Process signal totalizer (for 0-1 mA, 4-20 mA or 0-10V signals)
Strain gauge & potentiometer (full scale ranges down to
Micron DIN rail transmitters are available for a wide range of physical parameters |