a. Temperature range: -40 to +80
b. Range: 0 2000 W/m2
c. Temperature sensor: Thermister
d. Temperature sensor: users own preference can be plugged in
Pyranometer ( Short Wave ):
a. Pyranometer ISO classification: Second Class
b. Spectral response: 305 - 2800 nm
c. Calibration traceability: WRR
Pyrgeometer ( Long Wave ):
a. Spectral response: 4500 50000 nm
b. Calibration traceability: NIST
c. Window heating offset @ 1000 W/m2 solar radiation: < 15 W/m2
d. Heating power: 5 Watt @ 12VDC
NR01 & RA01 Net Radiation -Pyrgeometer sensors |