BT Series
This single ended shear beam loadcell is designed for high capacityautomatic filling machines It can be used in weighing platforms by thechange of up side down.The body of LT-5C is contructed in
hardened andnickel plated alloy steel .The cable joint and stainless steel coverssealed with Ip65 as well.
Accuracy Class 1000d
Comp. Temp. -10 ... +40?
Service Temp. -30 ... +70?
Sensitivity 2mV/V
Zero Balance ?%F.S
Nominal Exc. 5 ... 10V
Maximum Exc. 15V
Input Res. 380 ?20
Output Res. 350 ?3
Insulation@50V >2000M
Safe Load Limit % 150 F.S.
Ultimate Load % 300 F.S.
Lateral Load % 100 F.S.
Cable Type 2x2x0,22mm?individualy screened
Cable Length 3m
Capacity 10,20,50,100,200,500 kgf
PL Series
PL is designed for direct mounting of midsize weigh platforms.It issuitable for a wide range of applications,including bench scals checkweighing ,counting scales and process weighing.A humidty
resistantprotective coating assures long-term stability.the PL serie isconstructed in special aluminium and sealed to IP 66.
Accuracy Class 1000d
Comp. Temp. -10 ... +40?
Service Temp. -30 ... +70?
Sensitivity 2mV/V?10
Zero Balance ?%F.S
Nominal Exc. 5 ... 10V
Maximum Exc. 15V
Input Res. 380 ?20
Output Res. 350 ?3
Insulation@50V >2000M
Safe Load Limit % 150 F.S.
Ultimate Load % 300 F.S.
Lateral Load % 100 F.S.
Cable Type 2x2x0,22mm?individualy screened
Cable Length 1m
Platform Size 40x40cm
Model Capacity kgf.
PL-X 10
PL-3X 30
PL-L 50
PL-C 100
RT Series
This high capacity single point loadcell is designed for directmounting of large weigh is suitable for a wide range ofapplications,including bench scales,check weighing,counting scales
andprocess weighing.A humidty resistant protective coating assureslong-term stability.the rt serie is constructed in special aluminiumand sealed to IP 66.
Accuracy Class 1000d,3000d(OIMLR60 C3 approved)
Comp. Temp. -10 ... +40?
Service Temp. -30 ... +70?
Sensitivity 2mV/V?10
Zero Balance ?%F.S
Nominal Exc. 5 ... 10V
Maximum Exc. 15V
Input Res. 380 ?20
Output Res. 350 ?3
Insulation@50V >2000M
Safe Load Limit % 150 F.S.
Ultimate Load % 300 F.S.
Lateral Load % 100 F.S.
Cable Type 2x2x0,22mm?individualy screened
Cable Length 3m
Capacity 100,300,600 kgf
PS Series
Altough the PS-4X is designed for low cost weighing platforms ,itfinds application invertical filling machines as well.Its small sizespecial aluminium construction and Ip66 sealing makes PS serie
suitedfor bench and counting scales.
Accuracy Class 1000d,3000d(OIMLR60 C3 approved)
Comp. Temp. -10 ... +40?
Service Temp. -30 ... +70?
Sensitivity 2mV/V?10
Zero Balance ?%F.S
Nominal Exc. 5 ... 10V
Maximum Exc. 15V
Input Res. 380 ?20
Output Res. 350 ?3
Insulation@50V >2000M
Safe Load Limit % 150 F.S.
Ultimate Load % 300 F.S.
Lateral Load % 100 F.S.
Cable Type 2x2x0,22mm?individualy screened
Cable Length 1m
Capacity: 6,10,20,40 kgf
BT Series
This single ended shear beam loadcell is designed for high capacity automatic
Model Number: | BT - PL - RT - PS |
Place of Origin: | Turkey |