Frequency Transducer Type: [STE-A-5T]
STE-A_5T converts a frequency into an output signal that can serve several receiving instruments such as indicators recorders, alarm units etc. The input voltage signal is stepped
down and galvanically isolated by a transformer T. The zero crossing of the signal is detected to triger a precision quartz controlled monostable circuit Q. For each cycle of the
input signal, the monostable switches a highly stabilized D.C.Voltage to an amplifier A. The output of the amplifier, a constant voltage with fixed pulse width is filtered and
averaged. The average signal is proportional to the frequency of the input signal. To suppress the initial range, for instance up to 45Hz a fixed voltage is subtracted. The
difference is fed to a current converter C to provide a load independent d.c. Current output, which can be either bipolar or unipolar.