Commodity: GAS OIL - D2 - GOST 305-82
Density at 20 deg C Kg/m3 0.850
Color 1.0
Flash Point PMCC C 40
Kinematic Viscosity at 20 C CST 1.8 4.1
Pour Poin C note -17.5
Cloud Point C note -5.0
Mercaptan Sulphur % wt 0.01
Acidity mg/1000 cm3 5
Iodine Number g/100g 6
Ash % wt 0.01
Total Sulphur % wt 0.02
Copper Corrosion 3hrs at 50 C 1A
CCR on 10% residues % wt 0.2
Cetane Index 4
zahsco oil ltd was establish in year 2004 and secures reputable suppliers all over the world for Fertilizer urea & other petrole
Place of Origin: | Russian Federation |