Wilmar Graphite is committed to providing the best in . We offer professional and friendly assistance to our customers for whatever they may need. This is why we are proud of our continued success in satisfying one customer after another. Don't just take our word for it, be sure to read through our customer testimonials and you'll see why we are the best in the business!
"Best - In - Class"Wilmar Graphite complements its "Best - In - Class" products with a comprehensive customer support program that ensures on time deliveries, in depth technical support across a wide range of applications and technologies. Our production is strictly controlled.
Which product is right for you? Now you can order direct from the factory and save. All Wilmar Graphite High Performance Graphite Lubricants are delivered right to your door. Be it a case, pail, bucket or 55 gallon drum, look for the button and you will be taken to our Order Page Secure by
Reduce wear with lower friction cutting energy costs, extending equipment life and saving maintenance costs with our Graphite Lubricants.
Graphite can be applied to metal, plastic, wood, concrete or most other surfaces to provide a dry slippery surface that will not run, freeze, attract dirt, retard rust or wash off. Replaces grease
eliminating re greasing and constant cleaning. Our bond tightly to the substrate for long life, have a smooth finish to prevent chipping and in high pressure wear points will burnish in for longer
Slide Coat, Clean Deck and our graphite powders utilize high purity natural graphite mined from the earth allowing us to be both green and reduce users energy costs.
Whether you are looking to Reduce Your Costs or be Green or Both...
Wilmar Graphite has a product for you -
for Industrial, Commercial & Agricultural Applications and for Residential Commericial and Home Improvement use
extending equipment life and saving maintenance costs with our Graphite Lubricants. |