Drill Lube
Liquid Polymer
Viscosity Builder and Lubricant
DRILL LUBE is a high molecular weight anionic synthetic liquid polymer used in fresh water or saline systems to form a viscous, very slick drilling fluid.
DRILL LUBE is packaged in 55-gallon steel drums, 5-gallon plastic pails, 1-gallon plastic bottles, 4 bottles per case. Screw caps on all containers.
Because of its superior viscosity building and lubricating properties, DRILL LUBE can be used alone in water to build a true low-solids drilling fluid.
*Easy pouring and mixing with minimum agitation needed.
*Very slick drilling fluid for sticky clay and shale drilling.
*Eliminates balling of cuttings.
*Cuttings drop in pit and are not recirculated.
*Can be used in Air Drilling as a foam stabilizer.
DRILL LUBE disperses readily in water and may be mixed through the hopper or poured directily through the suction for a fast mix. Care should be taken to add DRILL LUBE slowly to obtain an even mix
thoughout the mud system.
Amount to use: Per 100 Gallons Water:
Sticky Clay 1/2 - 1 pint
Sandy Clay 1 - 2 pints
In air foam drilling, DRILL LUBE added to the water before adding foamer will stiffen foam for improved hole cleaning. A typical mix is 1 quart DRILL LUBE and 1 quart POLY-FOAMER to 50 gallons of
injection water.