50-50 Long Life Yellow Extended
Life Antifreeze & Coolant
Formulated for use in all cars and light
duty trucks
Whether you drive an American,
Asian or European vehicle,
MFA Oil Extended Life Antifreeze
provides maximum protection against
damaging rust and corrosion
Backed by a 5 year/150,000 mile
guarantee, with a complete cooling
system flush and fill
Helps you stand out from the
Offer your customers Added
perceived value
Compatible with all coolant
Top off any cooling system with confidence
Unique amber color will not change the color of the existing
When used at top off, no more brown antifreeze
Simplifies the selection process
Whether you drive a new GM or Ford Vehicle, or an old Honda
or Volkswagon, MFA Oil Extended Life Antifreezes patented
technology is the 1 solution for all applications
Meets ASTM D-3306, ASTM D-4340
Recommended for automobiles
with the following
antifreeze specifications:
ANFOR R 15-601
BS 6580 (British Standard)
Chrysler MS7170
Chrysler MS9769
Ford ESE-M97B44-A
Ford WSS-M97B44-D
Ford WSS-M97B51-A1
FVV HEFT R443 (Germany)
50-50 Long Life Yellow Extended Life Antifreeze & Coolant |