Whatever, Wherever & Now !!!.
By simply sending us a purchase order shall enable Professional Ship operators to procure necessary supplies for the vessel at owners preferable location as soon as possible.
Especially, Marine Lubricants such as Diesel Oil, Hydraulic Oil, and Refrigeration Oil can of the Oil Major can be supplied to not only Vessel operators but local distributors.
YDG also specializes in Nautical electronics and communication equipments as well as related services such as INMARSAT and IRIDIUM services as a full package.
Tuna Purse Seine Net, Repair Net & Twin as well as supplies need to build Payaos, Fishing gear for Tuna Pole Fishing vessel and all the necessary gears for fishing can provided tailor made
to fulfill the most sophisticated and professional requirement.
TunaQuest product lines are YDGs Radio buoy products consisting of low cost high performance radio buoy for Tuna Purse Seiners and Long Liners providing cost effective solutions for
Tuna Operation.
For advance fishing experience, YDG provides GeoEye Satellite buoys and its world renown fishing master support system called SeaStar service. By combining the Satellite buoy and SeaStar
Service, Fishing Masters no longer have to guess or rely totally on their past experience and narrow down to points where they are likely to find more catch.
YDG is a sole provider for GeoEye products and service for the African Region.