Short Description
Destofil LC.IN liq | Lubricant for improving the gliding properties of bleached or dyed yarns of all types of fiber |
Ceralube OEW liq | A special softener / lubricant for knitted and woven goods, and specifically suited for open end yarns of all types of fibers. Is non yellowing in nature. |
Ceranine PE.IN liq | Polyethylene wax emulsion based non-ionic softener .Helps overcome tear strength loss during resin finishing. |
Ceralube HD.IN liq | A softener that improves the tear strength of textile goods of all types of fibers. Key application areas: resin finishing and sewability improver. |
Ceralube JNF.IN liq | Cationic sewability improver for textile fabrics of cellulosic, synthetic or wool fibers and their blends. |
Destofil YL liq | Non-ionic lubricant for improving the gliding properties of bleached or dyed yarns of all types of fiber. Other applications resin and fluor additives. |
Ceralube ET.IN liq | Excellent non yellowing lubricating softener for yarns. |
Ceranine NYC liq | Non yellowing non foaming cationic softener |
Ceranine SWPI liq | A wash fast softener for synthetic fiber material. Exhibits a unique luxurious handle on polyester fibers and its blends with cotton and viscose. |
Leomin PNLI liq | Specialty softener for soft, bulky, elastomeric feel on cellulosics, polyester and their blends. |
Leomin SWPI liq | A cost effective wash fast softener for synthetic fiber material. |
Leomin SPG liq | Softener for soft, bulky, elastomeric feel on cellulosics, polyester and their blends. Suitable in exhaust form for winches , drum washing m/c. |
Leomin HBN liq | Softener for all fibers. Exhibits a good smooth surface on cotton knits. |
Ceranine CWL fla | Cold water soluble concentrated cationic softener with excellent hand feel. |
Ceranine HCSI C fla | Concentrated cationic finishing agent in flakes form for all substrates. |
Leomin CHS liq | Hydrophilic, non-yellowing softener for cellulosics. |
Ceranine HCS. IN liq | Cationic softener with excellent soft bulky feel |
Ceranine CS.IN fla | Concentrated cationic softener in flakes form for all types of fibers. |
Leomin CWS fla c | Cationic softener in flakes form for all types of fibers. |
Leomin SPL liq | Special softener for a silky handle. Suitable for all fibers. |
Ceranine DE. IN pa | A ready to use cationic softener with incorporated ozone protection. |
Leomin HBN liq c | Softener for all fibers |
Leomin ADS liq | Hydrophilic, non-yellowing softener for cellulose |
Ceranine TQ liq | Highly concentrated cationic softener in paste form for excellent surface with voluminous handle, specially suited for knitted goods. |
Cepreton UC.p | Concentrated cold water soluble cationic softener pastilles. |
Cepreton UH.p | Concentrated hot water soluble cationic ,substantive softener pastilles. |
Ceranine REACTI pa | Reactive softener for Cellulosic and Polyester/Cellulosic blends. |
Ceranine NI fla | Concentrated non ionic flakes. |
Ceranine LIN liq | Nonionic softener, specially useful to overcome loss in tensile strength and improve abrasion resistance of resin treated goods. |
Ceranine HINI pa | Non-ionic softener, gives a smooth filling handle. |
Cepreton UN.p liq | Non Ionic softener pastille for whites . Smooth soft handle. |
Lubricant for improving the gliding properties of bleached or dyed yarns of all types of fiber |