to the leading Scandinavian manufacturer of environmental acceptable lubricants for the Metalworking-, Forestry- & Construction Industry. We are working with our own brands - Binol and BioSafe - in Scandinavia and together with external partners with strong brands and good distribution systems on other markets.Tervetuloa Suomenkieliset tuotelehdet (FIN) ja k?ytt?turvallisuustiedotteet saat klikkaamalla yll? olevia otsikoita ja valitsemalla sen j?lkeen tuoteryhm?n ja tuotenimen.Hydraulic Oils awarded licenceRead more>> Case studyBinol Cut 10 in heavy gear cutting Read more>>2007-09-11Cost savings and improvments in the working environment when changing to Binol Cut 20 in gear cutting applications.Read more>>Big savings when changing to Binol Cut 10 in grinding applications.
to the leading Scandinavian manufacturer of environmental acceptable lubricants... |