We supply Group III oils supplied in Flexi Tanks destination anywhere in the world. Specsheet: Density at 20 Deg CASTM D 4052KG / m3819. 4Density at 15 Deg CASTM D 4052KG / m3822. 4Viscosity Kinematic at 100 Deg CASTM D 445Mm2 / s4. 418Viscosity IndexASTM D 2270 (B) 142Flash Point, COCASTM D 92Deg C214Pour PointGOST 20287 (B) Deg C- 15ColourASTM D 1500Units ASTM0. 5NOACK Volatility testASTM D 5800% mass / mass13. 1Mechanical AdmixturesGOST 6370% massNilWater ContentGOST 2477% massNilSulphur ContentASTM D 4294% massLT 0. 0150
We supply Group III oils supplied in Flexi Tanks destination anywhere in the world.
Waterproof: | Biodegradable |
General Composition: | Base Oil |
Type: | Liquid |