This preparation contains certain essential qualities and characteristics that rank it highly in its field and make it an indispensable addition to any mechanical device. Made up of extremely fine, pure oils that are odourless and permanently lubricant film completely protects against sea water, insulates in high-powered electrical systems, and is not flammable except at a very high temperatures (normal oil type) . It does not evaporate. Any parts sprayed with this product do not rust, and even conserved for a considerable length of time, remaining as good as a new re-use. Its systematic or periodic use in nautical / automobile industry gives surprising results of conservation and duration. Its strength of penetration and filtration clears, breaks down and unblocks. As it is odourless it can be used in hermetically sealed areas. It is not noxious and it does not irritate
This preparation contains certain essential qualities and characteristics that rank it highly in its