Initially, synthetic friction modifiers and base stocks were man made molecules designed to meet the extreme needs of jet engine lubrication. Chemplex?Synthetic Engine Treatment Concentrate brings that kind of added protection to your engine, whether using synthetic or petroleum based motor oil.
Why are synthetics better?
Synthetic Engine Treatment Concentrate from Chemplex?is a product utilizing that part of synthetic oil that makes it superior to conventional motor oil. These man made chemical components are scientifically designed to bond to critical engine surfaces to provide incremental wear protection during start-up or when the engine is "loaded up". That is important because regular motor oils can break down under high engine stress. And, when regular motor oil protection has drained to the oil pan before engine start-up, leaving critical engine-wear surfaces with little or no lubrication protection, Chemplex? Synthetic Engine Treatment Concentrate leaves layers of synthetic friction modifiers bonded to these critical surfaces to reduce start-up drag and wear and provide extra protection against motor oil breakdown.
"Any car will benefit from a switch to a synthetic"...and "if you want the benefits of synthetic oil but not the cost...add one or two quarts of synthetic to your regular oil." -- Motor Trend (March, 1992)
If an oil change interval is extended, Chemplex?Synthetic Engine Treatment Concentrate provides additional wear protection.
Product No. 21064
Product Features and Benefits: Bonds to critical engine surfaces to reduce |