SELCO SG-360 is a synthetic grease provides these advantageswhen compared with mineral oil greases intended for similar service :
Physical characteristics are listed in the table. Those notshown as maximum or minimum are typical and may vary slightly.
SELCO SG-360, is recommended for aviation applications whichneed a lubricant that can perform normal functions yet go far beyond in termsof high and low temperature and long-life performance. It is an NLGI Grade 2grease having the cold-temperature pumping resistance of most mineral-oil NLGIGrade 0 greases. It is a true wide-temperature, multi-service grease.
SELCO SG-360, is a high-performance grease which combines asynthesized hydrocarbon base fluid with a lithium complex soap thickener. The thickener system provides a high dropping point, excellent resistance to waterwash, and a tenacious structural stability. The unique physical properties ofthe synthetic base oil, combined with selected additives, provide outstandingprotection against wear, rust, corrosion, and high-temperature degradation. Thewax-free feature of the synthetic base oil allows for low-temperaturemobility/pumpability and very low starting and running torque values. Also, thetraction property of the synthetic base fluid is considerably lower thanmineral oil, allowing for temperature reductions in the load zone of rollingelement bearings.
SELCO SG-360, is a high-performance grease which combines asynthesized hydrocarbon base fluid with a lithium complex soap thicke
Model Number: | SG-360 |
Type: | Greases |
Application: | Industrial Lubricant |
Brand Name: | YALE / SELCO |
Place of Origin: | Maharashtra India |