Note: The above benefits will be noticed after consuming one tank-full of treated fuel
Chemical companies associated with the refinery industry were forced to produce detergent additives for lead free fuels to minimise the above-mentioned problems. These products are now added to our fuels but, unfortunately, at a minimum level because of the additional cost and the fact that there is no legislation in Australia (as there is in the USA) to force them to use such additives at a certain level. Although many such additives are available on the market, Nulon has taken the time to evaluate both engine and consumer requirements carefully and believes it is offering the maximum protection level at a minimal cost to the consumer.
These problems are common, but most motorists are not aware of the severity of the problem as they manifest slowly. Lead-free fuel does not burn as cleanly, or completely as one would hope. Consequently, carbon deposits build-up on all of the components of the induction system. Motorists are first aware of a problem when it becomes severe, such as difficult starting, flat spots, sticking valves, running-on etc. Motorists also suffer increased fuel consumption and loss of efficiency whilst the problem is developing.
Fuel formulation and engine fuel systems are constantly changing in order to meet environmental legislation. These changes do not happen without their share of associated problems, such as:
This bulletin relates to Nulon's new and improved Total Fuel System Cleaner. It contains the world's leading technology in its fuel system cleaning performance. It cleans the entire fuel system in just one tank of fuel. This product is so advanced and performs so well that it carries a number of OEM approvals for the clean-up of combustion chamber deposits. TFSC is suitable for use in the fuel systems of all petrol, and light duty diesel engines
Approved by OEM car manufacturers Easier starting Cleans inlet valve deposits Cleans inlet manifold deposits |