An excellent, low cost lubricant formulated specifically for elevator rails to protect from corrosion caused by humidity and environmental pollutants. Improves the performance of rail gibs. Similar
to Nylube, but designed for moderate loads and speeds. While semi-solid at room temperatures, it turns to liquid at 145F and a channeling temperature of -20F makes it suitable for outdoor
On a traction elevator, the rail lubricant must not interfere with the function of the safeties. Under extreme pressure, the lubricity of Rail Lube breaks down. This provides a direct unlubricated
contact between safeties and rails and allows the safeties to operate within the set stopping distances as required by code.
Application Methods
Proper coating is a very light film, applied evenly with a cloth, that is nearly invisible. Rail Lube should not be applied over other lubricants. Rails should be cleaned off before the first
application is made.
An excellent, low cost lubricant formulated specifically for elevator rails to protect from corrosion caused by humidity |