We at Hi-Tech solution provides "Hi-Tec Therm-60" a unique product having 100%synthetic thermic fluide properties which could stand up to 320c . your search for efficent thermic fluide ends at
"Hi-Tech Therm 60" as it provides high efficiency in corporated with effective cost, safety to the devices and a clean environment.
Yet, why hi teach therm 60?
beacose of high oxition stability, high thermal stability, almost negligible carbon contents, has long life assistance, lower to up requirment
thus it reduces problem of low and high boilor.
Hi-Tech Therm 60 has impart performance by providing a wide range of operation -20c to 320c along with long life ,nonfoulng, super below tempeature pump ability and compatibilitywith almost
allminerals and synthific fluide.
so it has properties of compatibility with available in market.other thermic fluide like hitech therm 500, 600, sorvotherm, medium /special solution and with therminal55.
so without fear choose and use Hi-Tech Therm 60. feel free from the carbon deposite in your radiator as well as in pipe line.
Hi-tech therm 60 is a thermic fluide which is used to add or recover heat from one part of a process to another. |