Oils of lower VG gradation are used for horizontal slide rails (ISO VG 32, 46, 68), whereas higher gradations, for vertical slide rails (ISO VG 100,150,220). These oils are used for lubrication of slide ways and hydraulic parts in combined systems, for lubricating highly precise numeric machines, spindles, moderately loaded worm conveyors, hydraulic pumps and other slide elements in tool machines and industrial systems.
ALTIS STAZOL oils are high quality oils for lubricating horizontal and vertical slide ways in conditions of low speed and heavy loading. They possess good thermic and oxidation stability, excellent lubricity, good anti-corrosive and anti- wear properties and good adhesive force for contact slide ways while simultaniously reducing friction and wearing.
ALTIS STAZOL oils are high quality oils for lubricating horizontal and vertical slide ways in conditions of low speed. |