Engine Treatment
PLUSCO 650 Engine Treatment was developed to help and improve the performance oftodays high-tech automobile and light truck engines. It may be used in both gasoline anddiesel
engines. The latest in modern additive technology has been used to produce aproduct which will achieve the utmost performance in power, mileage, and durability.
Protects During Start-up. When an engine is not running most of the oildrains to the oil pan. This leaves many parts unprotected during thecritical start-up period. PLUSCO 650
provides a lubricant film whichstays on all moving parts to protect during start-ups.
Coats Engine Parts. As PLUSCO 650 is circulated through the system,engine parts are coated with a microscopic, protective PLUSLON? PTFEfilm which provides protection to all
friction producing parts.
Reduces Friction PLUSLON?. the active solid film PTFE lubricant in PLUSCO 650, has the lowest coefficient of friction of any knownmaterial. This film provides much
greater lubrication than untreatedconventional or premium motor oils.
Increases Gas Mileage . The improved lubrication provided by PLUSCO 650 reduces friction. Thereduced friction within the engine provides more efficient operation,and this improves
gas mileage. Tests performed with PLUSCO 650 haveshown actual increases of 8-12% over extended periods of operation.
Improves Performance. Improved lubrication provides less drag withinthe engine which will actually improve performance, especially in olderengines, or during break-in of new engines.
Provides Residual Lubrication. Conventional oils run off of verticalsurfaces, thereby leaving unprotected metal. The microscopic filmprovided by PLUSCO 650 will not run off, and
will provide lubricantprotection, even to dry metal surfaces.
Promotes Smoother Operation. As the engine becomes better lubricated,sticking or vibration will be eliminated and the engine will runnoticeably smoother. This becomes obvious after even short
periods ofuse of PLUSCO 650
Prolongs Engine Life. A well lubricated engine produces less friction and thus less wear. As wear isreduced, engine life will actually increase.
PLUSCO 650 is purchased in 11 oz. cans. It is a highly concentrated product whichperforms best when used regularly. While one application will improve operation for asmuch as
50,000 miles of normal operation it is recommended that the engine be treatedevery 10,000 - 12,000 miles (about one time/year for most cars). High mileage vehiclesshould be treated every three
months - 10,000 miles.
PLUSCO 650 is economical to use, often half the price of other PTFE products on themarket, and improved performance, mileage, and engine life will be the result of its use.
PLUSCO 650 Engine Treatment was developed to help and improve the performance oftodays high-tech automobile and light truck engi
Model Number: | PLUSCO 650 |
General Composition: | Base Oil |
Type: | Liquid |
Application: | Industrial Lubricant |
Brand Name: | PLUSCO |
Place of Origin: | Texas United States |