H-ZOL significantly reduces friction and can increase the life of your hydraulic system, as much as four times. Excellent for use in extreme heat and cold environments.
? Maximizes Hydraulic System Life ?Extends Drain Intervals ?Excellent Thermal Stability ?Improved Cold Weather Performance ?Outstanding Pump Protection ?Protects against Corrosion from Condensation |
Item #S328400 $29.50 - Per Quart, Case of 6 Quarts (pump optional)
Item #S328402 $79.95 - Per Gallon, Case of 4 Gallons (pour spout, pump optional) Item #S328404 $319.00 - 5 Gallon Pail (1 oz. pump) Item #S328406 CALL - 55 Gallon Barrel |
H-ZOL significantly reduces friction and can increase the life of your hydraulic system |