Fire retardent gear lube is a polyol ester based, thermally stable, extreme
Pressure group II fire resistant gear lubricant that is recommended for use in Industrial enclosed gear drives, where potential fire hazards exist.
Fire retardent gear lube is blended from the finest quality polyol ester synthetic Base fluids available. These polyol ester synthetic base fluids provide the fire Retardent gear lube with the
following advantages.
1. Excellent lubricity characteristics.
2. Excellent viscosity-temperature characteristics
3. High flash and autoignition points.
4. Very good low temperature properties.
5. Very good resistance to thermal degradation.
Blended into these polyol ester synthetic base fluids is a non-corrosive
Multifunctional additive package. This non-corrosive additive package provides
The fire retardent gear lube with the following performance advantages.
1. Enhanced thermal and oxidative stability.
2. Excellent extreme pressure properties.
3. Prevention of the formation of sludge and varnish
4. Excellent protection of components from rust and corrosion.
5. Enhanced protection of copper, brass and bronze components
In dry conditions and in the presence of moisture.
6. Very good demulsibility characteristics.
Fire retardent gear lube is compatible with all ferrous and non-ferrous metals
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Fire retardent gear lube is a polyol ester based, thermally stable, extreme Pressure group II fire |