PDS NO. 60590
Date of issue: 01.09.2009
PACKING: 1 kg, 2kg, 5 kg, 20kg, 50 kg.
2% Max
Evaporation loss @ 200 0C after 24 hrs
> 210
Softening Point, 0C
200 - 260
Unworked Penetration @ 250C
Easto High Vacuum Grease -III
Characteristics TYPICALPROPERTIES: APPLICATION: Easto High Vacuum Grease-III is used in lubricating plug valves,control systems wherein high vacuum/ high pressures are encountered and valvesremain operational for a longer period despite high temperature and adverseatmospheric conditions. INTRODUCTION: Easto High Vacuum Grease - III is stiff non - melting grease. Ifmaintains its consistency over a wide range of temperature, from -200C to 2000C. Its very low volatility, low vapour pressureof the base materials used, makes it an ideal sealant for high vacuum / high pressuresystems. The Grease is not affected bywater and chemically resistant also. PRODUCT: Easto High Vacuum Grease III |