is compounded from lithium soap and synthetic oil. It is white in appearance, smooth in texture and is free from mineral lubricating oils. Operating range of this grease is - 100oF to + 350oF at DN value of 1,50,000. Performance life varies from 500 Hrs at higher temperature to 2000 Hrs. at 180o ?200oF. Increase in torque during low temperature performance is very little compared to room temperature. Ball bearing in rotating airport beacons, heater fans, electric clocks, watt hour meters and recording meters are principal applications of this grease. This grease is also used to lubricate anti-friction bearing in oven-fans, timer motors, textile slashers and driers, drier motors, induction draft units, plastic gears and cones in small appliances, ball and socket disconnect switches, swivel-joint packing, valve stems, continuous weighing equipment & automotive distributor pad joints. In all of these applications, the grease ensures long life and trouble free service with a minimum of maintenance and re-lubrication. Manufacturing specification for G. are as follows :- ASTM worked consistency 25H 290-330 ASTM Drop point 212H min Free alkali % 0.25 max Free acidity % 0.10 max Oxidation stability 5 lbs max in 500 hrs. Vis SUS 100 F of silicone oil used in compounding 500CS . min. Nature of soap base Lithium Economics : Although .G. is costlier than conventional grease, its initial cost is more than offset by a longer life and prevention of bearing failure in high temperature grease lubrication. Note: The information presented here is based on our present state of knowledge which we believe to reliance but we cannot accept any responsibility for operation not under our direct control. It is offered solely for your consideration, innovation and verification. PACKING : 1 Kg , 5 Kg, & 30 Kg Jar.
PACKING : 1 Kg , 5 Kg, & 30 Kg Jar.