Properties and Performance
- Specially selected bases stocks and additives ensure that SUPER SL maintains ideal viscosity under a wide range of conditions reducing friction, fuel consumption and therefore
noxious emissions.
- SUPER SL is based decrease volatility which diminishes oil consumption thus reducing emissions from unburned oil in exhaust, evaporation and oil leaking in to the combustion
- lts components increase adhesion of a film of oil to metal parts even when the engine has been standing for long periods, ensuring easy starting and greatly reducing wear in the
critical first phases of ignition .
- Base oils and other components maintain their viscosity and lubricity even under grueling driving Conditions giving SUPER SL its unique anti-wear properties, ensuring long life for
all moving parts and substantially reducing the need for engines servicing and overhauls.
- Both road and laboratory tests show that this oil provides the ideal combination of viscosity, lubricity, volatility and detergency to ensure that maximum protection is afforded the
engine, while friction and oil loss are kept to a minimum.
- In road tests, SUPER SL reduce overall fleet oil consumption and provided excellent engine Protection under all types of real driving conditions.
- The unique bases stocks used in this oil provide increased detergency, keeping engines free of sludge, varnish and other harmful substances .
- Rm 108.00 (Recommanded SRP)
AGIP SUPER SL is a lubricant of the latest generations, specifically formulated to meet the requirement of the newest gasoline (16 valve/variable valve timing/catalyzed) engines. Not only
doest his multi-grade oil provide superior protection against wear, through better lubrication it also helps save fuel and reduce emission of all types of pollutants. Its characteristic
makes it a more environmentally friendly lubricants; Low volatility means less loss in the environment and high lubricity over a wide range of temperatures and conditions means a more
efficient engine, less fuel consumption and lower emissions.