TOP GUN's new and improved formula is ozone friendly and still eliminates wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets on contact. This powerful new TOP GUN formula still provides instant knockdown on
contact and leaves a residual that prevents area infestation. Instant knockdown is accomplished when the fast evaporating inert fluid freezes the stinging insect while at the same time dewaxing its
wings. The slowly evaporating hydrocarbon fluid clogs the insects breathing ports causing it to suffocate. Finally, the synthetic pyrethrins provide the residual poison to kill the nest. JET-LUBE?
trigger nozzle allows fast, accurate, dense jet stream delivery from up to 15 feet for safe application in hard to reach places. TOP GUN is EPA approved and has a dielectric strength of 35,000
volts. Size: 12 oz aerosol
Brief Description : Wasp & Hornet Killer |