Performance Profile: API SF/CD CCMC G2/D1Mil-L-46152C MB 226.1Russian Oil Specifications M-5z/12G1 & M-6z/14G1 Description A premium quality multigrade oil formulated with highly refined base stocks and well balanced additvie package. Expressly recommended for the lubrication of heavy-duty, supercharged, turborcharged or atmospheric gasoline and diesel engines used in passenger cars and some trucks, operating under severe-service. Also suitable for high speed driving and short stop & go type operation. Features Better fuel economy.Reinforced thermal behavior.High lubrication powers in all seasons.Outstanding fluidity at low temperature ensures good starting.Excellent resistance to oxidation, foaming, low temperature sludge and high temperature deposits.Efficient control over wear, rust and corrosion.Excellent detergent and dispersant qualities. Technical Data CHARACTERISTICS TYPICAL VALUE 15W/40 15W/50 20W/50 Sp. Gravity @ 15o C 0.886 0.889 0.893 Viscosity @ 40o C, cSt 110 145 170 Viscosity @ 100o C. cSt 14.5 19 19 Viscosity Index 135 145 120 Flash Point, COC, o C 220 230 248 Pour Point, o C -30 -30 -27 TBN, mgm KOH / gm 5.6 5.6 5.6 Document(s)
SAE 15W/40, 15W/50, 20W/50 |