Nulon OBC used with Premium Unleaded Petrol (PULP) will overcome this problem and protect against VSR. The US EPA approves all detergent components used in this product. Moreover, the detergent package used in OBC meets the strict requirements of CARB (California Air Resources Board).
Nulon OBC performs three primary functions:
Nulon researched the fuel requirements of vehicles for three years prior to formulating its Octane Boost and Clean product. In formulating OBC the key issues of concern were:
Australia is unique in that it offers only two grades of unleaded fuel. The most common is 91 RON. The second, at a much higher price, is premium unleaded which has a higher RON of 95-98. The difference in price between the two grades is substantial. Most Western countries offer three and even four grades to cater for the requirements of various vehicles, with a cost differential between the various grades that is small when compared to Australia.
Nulon Octane Boost and Clean is unique in that it performs many functions. To the best of our knowledge it has no equal. OBC is specifically formulated to address the many fuel-related problems experienced with modern motor vehicles, particularly those operating on unleaded petrol (gasoline). Its primary purpose is to increase the octane rating of normal unleaded petrol (typically 91 RON) to stop pinging (detonation) while its detergent additive cleans combustion chamber, inlet valve, carburettor and injection deposits. The results are long lasting.
Stops pinging (detonation) Stops or reduces engine run-on Boosts engine performance |