IndianOil's SERVO range of lubricants reigns as the undisputed market leader in the Indian lubricants market. Known for its cutting-edge technology and high-quality products,
SERVO backed by IndianOil's pioneering R&D, extensive blending and distribution network, sustained brand enhancement and new generation packaging is a one-stop shop for complete
lubrication solutions in the automotive, industrial and marine segments.
In the retailing segment, besides IndianOil petrol stations, SERVO range of lubricants is available through a network of SERVOXpress stations, bazaar outlets and thousands of auto spare
parts shops across the country. The SERVO range includes over 500 lubricants and 1200 formulations encompassing literally every lubricant requirement.
The SERVOXpress is a one-stop shop for quick, easy and convenient auto care, providing customers with a refreshing experience. The SERVOXpress stations have facilities for oil change, tyre/battery
checkups, A/C service, vacuum cleaning, perfuming, upholstery cleaning, polishing and lamination installation too.
Lubrication is the art of reducing friction between rubbing or rolling surfaces. In the recent past two terminologies have gained currency - Tribology, the science of Rubbing; Rheology, the study
of stream or flow. The earliest knowledge of lubrication is evident from grease lubricated chariot wheels excavated from the ruins. The rapid development of this science can be said to have started
from the 18th century, with significant technological progress in commercial usage in the 20th century. Most lubricants are liquids. Water is a natural lubricant but has extremely limited
application due to its very low viscosity and very low boiling point besides its contribution to rusting and corrosion. Vegetable oils have excellent lubrication properties but have very poor
oxidation stability, high pour point rapid thickening and may even let out foul odours in time. Most of the liquid lubricants used at present all over the world are petroleum-based mineral
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