As for gear pump devices, ALTIS HIDROL HD is used at temperatures ranging from 40 to 80 oC.
Higher viscosity gradations are used for lubricating in conditions of high temperatures and heavy loading, in steal factories, in chemical, construction and textile industries.
Lower viscosity oils are used on high precision devices of low force, while medium viscosity oils are used for presses, lifters and tool machines.
ALTIS HIDROL HD oils are used for hydraulic sistems of small to medium strenghts, loads, pressures and temperatures.
ALTIS HIDROL HD are mineral hydraulic oils with good oxidation stability, anti-wear and anti-corosive properties. They posess excellent anti-emulsifying properties and do not foam, while quickly separating the air.
ALTIS HIDROL HD are mineral hydraulic oils with good oxidation stability, anti-wear and anti-corosive properties.