AMSOIL ATM is compatible with conventional and syntheticmotor oils. Mixing AMSOIL motor oils with other oils, however, will shorten the oil life expectancy and reduce the performance benefits.
AMSOIL does not support extended drain intervals where oils have been mixed. Aftermarket oil additives are not recommended for use with AMSOIL motor oil
AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil is recommended for use in gasoline engines and other applications requiring any of the listed worldwide specifications:
Excels in Extreme Temperatures
AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil resists thermal (heat) breakdown better than conventional oils. It is heavily fortified with detergent and dispersant additives to prevent sludge deposits and keep
engines clean. And unlike conventional oils, AMSOIL ATM contains no wax. It stays fluid down to -48
1-Quart Bottle 1-Quart Bottles (case of 12) 1-Gallon Bottle 1-Gallon Bottles (case of 4) |