Topaz Outboard Motor Oil TCW II is specially blended for two-stroke cycle gasoline engined. It is inhibited with ashless detergent additives and diluent to provide easier mixing with the fuel. It
is good quality outboard oil designed for operation in salt spray environment containing suitable additives to protect against pre-ignitions due to combustion chamber deposits, spark plug fouling
and engine lacquer.
It is readily mixed at any fuel-to-oil ration 50:1. It is approved for Envinrude, Johnson and Mercury outboard engines and also meets the NMMA (formerly the Boating Industry Of America)
qualification for service TC-WII.
This oil is recommended for all two-cycled outboard in which either SAE 30 or 40 oils are required. It also performs well in air-cooled two cycled engines such as those commonly used in
motorcycles, chain saws, lawn mowers, etc. For modem high output outboards and two stroke engines where 50:1 fuel/oil ratio is required.
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Packing : 209L New Drum, 18L Plastic Pail, 5L X 6 Plastic Bottle, 0.5L X 48 Plastic Bottle |