Greases - Atlanta (VNII NP-254)


It contains a package of metal plating additives. The grease is used in sliding friction units working at alternate load, in needle-shaped and screw mechanisms. The grease is operative at temperatures between ?60oC and + 150oC., in short-time up to 200oC.

TY 38.1011048-85

Atlanta (VNII NP-254)

  • Country:United Arab Emirates
  • telephone:971-971 6 5570710
It contains a package of metal plating additives
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Greases - ERA (VNII NP-286M)

Properties: The grease is applied in friction and frictionless bearings, gear drives of electric equipment and of aviation control systems. It is active at a temperature from ?60oC to +120oC. TY 38.101950-00 ERA (VNII NP-286M) ...

Come From Aquiline International Corp.

Greases - Sapfir (VNII NP 261)

Properties: It is used in taper roller bearings of aircraft undercarriage wheel hubs. The lubricant works at temperatures from ?60oC to + 150oC., shortly up to 200oC. TY 38.1011051-87 Sapfir (VNII NP 261) ...

Come From Aquiline International Corp.